All school districts and public charters offering non-congregate meals under the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) are required to complete training prior to implementation of non-congregate meal service.  Complete the module(s) associated with the type of meal service being provided.


If you have any questions please reach out to your Area Specialist at 501-324-9502. 


This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider. 

Module 1: Serving Congregate and Non-Congregate Meals


If your site is serving both congregate and non-congregate meals please review the slides and take the associated quiz.

 In order to obtain credit for this module you will need to score an 80% on the quiz. 

Next, complete the non-congregate module for the service model being operated (home delivery and/or meal pick up)



Module 2: Home Delivery


If your site is offering non-congregate meals through a home delivery method please review the slides, resources, and take the associated quiz.

In order to obtain credit for this module you will need to score an 80% on the quiz. 



Module 3: Meal Pick Up


If your site is offering non-congregate meals by pick up, this may include pick up at a school site, non-school site, or mobile site,  please review the slides, resources, and take the associated quiz.

 In order to obtain credit for this module you will need to score an 80% on the quiz.